In the tapestry of life, each of us is woven with the threads of divine purpose, awaiting the moment when we unfurl our wings and soar into the boundless skies of our destiny. Romans 12:2 whispers to us, beckoning us to shed the cloak of conformity and embrace the radiant truth of our existence—the good, the acceptable, and the perfect will of God.
Imagine standing at the threshold of awakening, Ephesians 5:13 illuminating the path before you with the gentle glow of dawn. It is the moment when awareness dawns like the first light of morning, casting aside the shadows of ignorance and unveiling the beauty of your true self. This is the “good will” of God—an invitation to awaken from the slumber of mediocrity and step into the brilliance of your divine potential.
But awakening is just the beginning—a mere whisper in the symphony of transformation that awaits. It is the journey, the path laid out before us, beckoning us to pick up our cross and follow in the footsteps of the divine. Matthew 16:24 calls to us, reminding us that the road to transformation is not without its challenges. It requires courage, commitment, and unwavering faith to traverse the winding paths of growth and self-discovery.
Yet, it is in the crucible of personal crucifixion that we find the crucible of personal crucifixion that we find the true essence of transformation. Romans 6:6 speaks of the “perfect will” of God—the sacred alchemy of shedding the old to make way for the new. It is the process of crucifying the old man, releasing the chains of past conditioning and embracing the radiant truth of our divine nature.
Picture yourself standing at the crossroads of transformation, the air electric with possibility and potential. Each step forward is a testament to your courage, each obstacle overcome a testament to your resilience. You are not merely a bystander in the grand tapestry of existence; you are a co-creator, sculpting your destiny with the hands of divine grace.
So, dear traveller on the path of personal transformation, heed the call of Romans 12:2. Embrace the awakening, embark on the journey, and surrender to the sacred process of personal crucifixion. For within the crucible of transformation lies the promise of a new beginning—a radiant transformation that illuminates the world with the light of your being.
Love and respect, it will be great to hear your feedback on this one.
In the meantime. Stay bold, stay brilliant, and most importantly, stay BUILDING, working on your transformation!!
Continue to live inspired.
As always, love and respect, unconditionally.
Coach Ockert