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Ockert J Möller

Another Way of Manifesting Prosperity

What if this really works…?

Liar, liar…that’s what I felt like when I realized that the promise I made in regards launching our newest program “Harmonic Spiritual Mind Treatment Prayer” for today was not going to happen.

Read to the end, I’ve got a nice gift for you and be sure to listen to your attatched CD

No excuse, but fortunately we live in South Africa and “somebody” decided they need our telephone cables more than we do. And…….Viola, no internet. So I decided to quit Telkom, three cable thefts in less than a year and then waiting months for the cables to be replaced just doesn’t work for me, so I decided to go wireless, and that’s it, we are back in the game.

And because we had to move our launch date forward by a week, I decided to give you a gift; it’s one of the CD’s that’s used inside the program.

This is a Guided Meditation “Harmonic Spiritual Mind Treatment Prayer” CD and it is all about creating abundance and prosperity by connecting to your “Higher Self”

Well, if you need a “little extra cash” this is the way to use the CD

Make a commitment….to prove to yourself within the next 21 days that Harmonic Affirmative Spiritual Mind Treatment Prayer actually works

Unexpected Money Circle Pledge Treatment

Listen to your Prosperity Harmonic Affirmative Spiritual Mind Treatment Prayer first thing in the morning and last thing in the evening before you go to sleep. Yes, you may listen to the CD in the background as you work or play, if your environment allows it.

Unexpected Money Circle Pledge Treatment

(Copy, paste and print the following on a piece of paper or card, carry it with you and read it at least twice a day…..Read it at least Twice A Day, more often will be more effective)

I choose to believe that God is the source of all supply, and that “money is God in Action.”

I choose to believe that my good is now flowing to me so richly and so fully that I have an abundance of money to spare and to share, today and always.

I choose to believe that true Prosperity includes perfect health, perfect wealth, and perfect happiness.

This word which I speak in faith believing now activates a Law of Universal Good, and I accept the results! I bless all the Good that is with me now, I bless the increase.

And I bless all the others in the “Unexpected Income Circle” of our Community, and I know that now we prosper together in every way, I give thanks for this good.

So it is! And so I let it be.

I choose to believe, I and the Father are One

Unexpected Money Circle Pledge


Date: ………………………………….


Pledge to contribute 10% of all monies I manifest as a result of the “Unexpected Money Circle Pledge Program” to the “Oneness Wisdom School” 🙂

Okay, that’s it. The proof is in the eating of the pudding, give it a go, it’s not going to c#st you anything. Try it for 21 days and be sure to let me know how much “unexpected” money you have manifested

Talk to you again soon, in the meantime……..

Dare to “Awaken to Oneness” and be open for miracles……..TODAY!

Your friend….


Love to hear your feedback on this one

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