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Ockert J Möller

Could this be Your Lucky Number?

How about discovering a SPECIAL MESSAGE just for you today?

BEFORE you read below the dotted line below at this page, pick a number between 1 and 10 (or more than one number if you wish).

You might want to take a moment to just relax, take a deep breath, close your eyes perhaps, and intend on choosing a number that is appropriate for you at this time from 1-10. Perhaps one pops out immediately, or just ‘feels right’.

Once you have your number, read the message next to your number below. It’s a message for you, right now.

You might think the possibility of that is a little silly or implausible, and that’s OK. Think of it as a game, if you like. Have a go for the fun of it if nothing else.

At the deepest level, we are all connected by the Universal Mind, or what Carl Jung called the Collective Unconscious. I believe a part of you (call it your Higher Self, if you like), already knows the message which is most appropriate for you below. This is how it works with picking oracle cards, for example, or when you know your friend is about to call, or the “100th Monkey Effect” phenomena, etc.

You can also look at it from this perspective: you are co-creating your reality in every moment, including the message you are about to receive. As quantum science now proves, nothing exists until it is observed. Intend that the message you receive is one most suited to you at this time, and receive that which is appropriate from the universe.

Once you’ve read your message, you can pick a second number and repeat if you wish, or return another time and repeat, or even have a peek at them all


1) Spontaneity

If you want life to be a fun ride, be spontaneous and open to surprise.”

Is there an area of your life in which you currently feel in a rut, bored, restless, down or monotonous? Do you feel stifled or numbed by routine? Is this constricting or depleting your energy in some way?

Life can get stale and stagnant if you don’t give it room to breathe with occasional spontaneity.

Allow yourself to let loose a little, to let go of the reins of order and how things ‘should’ be. Allow structure to soften, and let up on control.

Try something new, open to the unexpected or do something out of the ordinary. This can freshen and juicen up your life. It may require stepping outside your comfort zone, or saying “Yes” to something you might tend to veer against (something potentially positive, of course!), or a possible change in routine.

Spontaneity can bring greater flow, freedom, synchronicity, adventure, joy and renewed enthusiasm into your life! It can also open you to receive more from the universe as you respond to its nudges and opportunities.

If you are controlling things too regimentally life gets dry and rigid and there is less opening for the universe to gift you with blessings and sweet surprises.

Simply saying “Yes” to life more in general – be that to invites, experiences, opportunities, and possibilities, can make your life come alive. In this sense you are going with the flow, walking through the doors that may be opening, and allow new births in your life.

You can also be proactively spontaneous. In addition to responding to new opportunities as they arise, you can consciously do something more last minute, impromptu and off-the-cuff, take a risk, trying something new, different or unusual, etc.

All of this can invite positive change, new beginnings, fun, and fresh air into your life.

Obviously use discernment. I’m not talking about being rash or irresponsible, but to relinquish rigidity and control a little and allow more colour, dance and adventure into your life.

2) Beauty

Beauty is alive in every moment, riding the breath of life to remind you of the flower that is your heart.”

Are you open to the beauty of life, the beauty of YOU, the beauty in others and the world?

The truth of who you are is ineffably beautiful. Beauty is woven into your divine nature. It is the fragrance of your true self.

Beauty is also a gateway to the sacred, and beautiful states of being.

In the breathless hush of beauty the heart opens to the sacred.”

Nature, so imbued with beauty and love, demonstrates the beauty of divinity in form, the wonder of and splendour of creation.

And yet beauty in its essence is beyond form, and can be witnessed beyond eyes with the heart. Beauty has a magic all of its own. When you open to experience beauty, you open to higher more blissful states of awareness, realms of consciousness beyond the physical, the light and radiance beyond the known, to mystery, and to love.

Beauty will nourish and nurture your soul. Take some quiet time to witness and soak in the beauty of nature, or to stop and feel the beauty in your heart, the beauty of your love, your care, your strengths, talents, and positive attributes.

Open to the beauty inherent in people in your life, the beauty of a thought or feeling even, or a given moment in time, or the sheer beauty and wonder of life itself!

Those who seek for beauty, find it.”

Let heart and soul be touched and opened by beauty. Let beauty remind you of the sacredness that you are.

3) Patience

There is a rhythm and pace to life. If we push too hard against it with impatience, expectations and demands, it doesn’t serve us.

Yes, you create your reality, but there is a bigger picture, and there can be optimum times for certain events to occur, or a series of steps and inner changes that may be appropriate to occur first to facilitate a manifestation, which you may not be consciously aware of. These can help lay foundation, be it practically, mentally, emotionally, etc.

The moon waxes and wanes, night follows day, seasons change. Just as nature has a rhythm to it, so do you and your life. There are ebbs and flows of energy occurring in your being and life. There are optimum times to reap, plant and sow, etc. Obviously, choice is always yours for the taking, and life always yours for the making! This message is about the qualities of patience in that dance of creation.

Be sensitive to the flow of energy and times in your life, and patient where needed. Baby steps can lead to monumental change. Rushing isn’t always productive. In fact, time often slows down when you do!

Keep momentum, but allow life to have cadence, allow yourself to pause, give yourself permission to rest and recharge when necessary, to reflect, pause and ponder, and spur forward when you feel called, etc.

Listen to your heart and your body regarding when to act and when not to, and be patient with the movement of events in your life. Do your bit physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually (desire, dream, open to inspiration, believe, act, open to receive, etc.), and trust things are turning in your favour as you move towards your visions and goals. Don’t try to force or control things, be positive and expectant, but relaxed, open, trusting and patient.

Take having a conversation with someone, as an example. There are times to listen, and times to speak. There are times to pause. There are magic moments when eyes meet and feelings flicker and speak beyond words. There is a movement, a dance. Just as you pay attention in conversation and are sensitive and patient with this flow of movement, be so in all areas of your life. Listen to your intuition and what your expanded wise self wants to share about the movement, changes, initiations and instigations in your life.

Being patient is about changing gears when and where necessary, and allowing life to move in accordance and harmony with divine will; to weave your life co-creatively with the universe.

4) Lighten Up!

Are you taking life or yourself too seriously, or some area or situation in your life?

This is just a gentle nudge to remind you to lighten up. When you lighten up, even laugh at yourself or a situation if you can, you can free the grip of the story, help to bust your ego and allow new perspectives.

Think of times when you are having fun, laughing and enjoying yourself, how your worries and cares dissipate or even disappear, sometimes never to return, or not to the same degree. Laughter is healing, and lightness of heart frees you of lower constricting states such as fear, pity, resentment, etc.

This isn’t about denying other emotions. Obviously there are times when you may need to experience, process and release dark emotions – to feel them so you can free them, etc. – but lightening up in general can do wonders to your overall attitude and state.

If you can find humour in a situation it can help you to see it differently, and help you take your power back.

Reality is an illusion, albeit a persistent one.” ~Einstein

If you find it hard to lighten up (and obviously this may depend on the severity of the situation, and may be inappropriate to your particular situation), start by imagining yourself in a light and relaxed state. Connect to a future you that is feeling happy, bright, relaxed, joyous, giggly, and all-round light-hearted.

Experience this you, get a sense of their energy, feel the feelings and care-freeness. You can also imagine this you stepping into you and melding with you to invite these qualities and this light-hearted self into your being.

Of course, then there’s regular things that would lift your heart and bring you joy, like hanging out with friends, celebrating, going on a trip, going to a comedy show, watching funny YouTube vids, etc. And then there’s stuff you’ve never done or don’t often do that would be fun for you. Write yourself a “Joy List”.

Let laughter blow out the cobwebs and effortless raise your vibration.

Even remembering something funny that happened in the past can lighten your mood in the present.

5) What do you want?

What is it you really want? Do you know? Are you clearer in some areas than others? Is there an area of your life that feels foggy that it may help to get clearer on what your HEART truly desires?

One way to invite more of what you love into your life is to get clear about what you love, what brings you happiness and joy, whether it be in the area of relationships, career, fun, etc., and whether they are experiences of being, doing or having (being more at peace/centred/joyous/adventurous, doing more exercise/giving/laughing, having greater wealth/a new home/more holidays, etc).

When you are clear about what you want it is easier to put your focus towards that end, and direct your thoughts and imagination into the manifestation of those realities, as well as take practical steps towards them.

Get in touch with what your heart really wants, your deepest wishes, passions and joys.

Getting clear on what you want will also shift your orientation and focus away from what you don’t want.

Have you been focusing on your past, on pain, negative situations, doubts, fears, and so on, rather than bright futures? I’m not suggesting denying certain thoughts and feelings (you may want to acknowledge them to process and release where necessary), but the message here is to shift your attention towards the positive and align to the bright futures to assist in drawing them into your reality now.

Shift your focus from fears and problems to solutions and desired outcomes.

It is sometimes possible that you have a split mind about what you want, where consciously you want one thing, yet unconsciously there may be a hidden agenda, resistances, unconscious motives or limiting beliefs that run counter to those outcomes. Becoming conscious of these can help, as what you recognize and acknowledge you can do something about, resolve, let go, integrate, change, move beyond, etc.

Do more of what you love, today and everyday!

Are you allowing yourself to dream and get in touch with what would make your heart sing and bring utmost joy in all areas of your life?

Pick an area of your life you’re wanting to enhance, whether it’s social, romantic, career or health, and write down what it is you really want, what you wish to be experiencing, how you wish to be feeling, what you wish to be doing, being and having.

You can even discover some wants by looking at what you don’t like in your life and deciding what you would like instead “xyz” that is currently the case in your reality.

What do you really LOVE? What makes you come alive and lights up your soul? What are your gifts, talents, passions and joys?

After writing down what your wants, write down why that want is important to you. This can be revealing. Perhaps it’s more freedom that you’re seeking, and that’s why you want a change in your career, for example, or greater love, fulfillment, peace, expression, creativity, acknowledgement, etc.

You can, of course, turn your wants into goals. Either way, writing down your desires in itself asserts your wishes to the universe and clarifies them for you also. Get in touch with your deepest wishes, be intimate and open with yourself, and announce them in writing. This can help you unearth them and from there on, focus and work towards them.

You can get more specific with goals-setting, time-lines, action steps, etc., if this is something that resonates, but start by getting in touch with what your heart really desires so the universe can assist you more, and YOU can assist you more, in manifesting them. Doing so will give you greater clarity and direction so you can take more solid steps with momentum and enthusiasm.

Just how good could life get? Dare to imagine!

6) Openness

Do you have a tendency to keep yourself or your thoughts and feelings closed to people or the world? Do you fear vulnerability? Or D=do you shut down or shut yourself off from opportunities, possibilities, ideas, love, intimacy, or certain situations?

On a scale of 1-10, how open are you to others, with your thoughts, feelings, in your relationships, career, etc. Are you more open to giving than receiving, or vice versa?

I’m not necessarily suggesting here that you blurt out everything you think and feel. Be sensitive to what feels appropriate at a given time, etc. Letting people into your life requires a certain level of openness and vulnerability, particularly if you want to let people get to know you, get close, and allow deeper relationship.

Furthermore, people aren’t mind readers. If you don’t let them know what’s going on inside in your heart and mind, communication suffers, they can’t get to know you, and you block intimacy and authentic relationship.

There are reasons you may feel guarded about being open, perhaps due to past experiences, hurts, a fear of judgment, rejection, betrayal, etc. It takes courage to be vulnerable, yet the rewards are rich and beautiful and so worth it.

The more you trust and value yourself, the easier this will become.

Love wants to be given to you in every moment if you are open and willing to receive. It may come in many forms, through friends and loved ones, successes and serendipities, people you meet, opportunities that come your way, and the wonder, beauty and joy of life itself.

There can be blocks around receiving, of course. We can resist receiving just as we resist love, or perhaps feel we don’t deserve it, or fear the intimacy that may come with it, etc.

Allow openness at a level and apace that is manageable for you and not overwhelming. You might start with small steps, opening the door bit by bit. Be courageous, and intend on that which is for your highest. Trust in the love that wants to be given to you, in the blessings that want to come your way, and open to receive. And share more of who you are, for that is why you are here. You have so much to give, just in being you!

Open to giving and receiving at a new level.

7) Trust

Trust is a generating energy and puts the power of your mind towards positive outcomes.

I’m not talking about naivety or trusting where it’s inappropriate, however.

Here are some examples of trust I’m referring to:

Trust in yourself.

Trust in the love the universe has for you.

Trust in the power of your heart’s desires and your intentions.

Trust in your love, goodness and capabilities.

Trust in your power as a creator.

Trust in the positive outcome of your goal.

Trust in the healing power of love.

Trust that you are on a co-creative journey, that there is a bigger picture, and that there is love, help and guidance available to you in every moment.

Trust that the universe wants you to have what you desire as much as you do.

Trust that you are loved more than you know, more than you will ever know!

Life doesn’t have to be a struggle. You can have what you desire with belief, intention, positive expectation, and a willingness to receive.

Trust brings with it a greater sense of ease, faith and confidence, and lessens your desire to control or have things be a certain way, allowing life to manifest in a way that most serves you.

If there is an area of your life you are fearful or doubtful around, lean into trust, get a sense of it, embrace it, let it embrace and carry you.

You deserve the best, ever and always, whether you realise that or not. The universe wants the best for you in every moment. You are the only one who can stand in your way.

Be kind and loving to yourself, and let the winds of trust take you to beautiful realities and desired outcomes.

Trust the turning of the tide. Have faith and hope in your heart. Hold bright visions of the future you desire to create, make positive choices for yourself and commit to those through action.

Release your dreams and visions into the world. Trust, believe, open to receive and expect their materialization in your world in the highest and best way for you!

8) Flow

The universe is encouraging you to allow more flow into your life. Love always opens you to greater flow. Consciously working with manifesting techniques also helps to activate flow.

Flow happens when you feel in harmony and have a sense of trust and optimism, and is often reflected in synchronicities, blessings and opportunities manifesting on your path.

Are you open to the opportunities coming your way? Are you being repeatedly ‘nudged’, by your intuition or external signs and pointers, for example, in a certain direction? Is there a new hobby, project, career move, attitude, routine, or a positive change in your life that you feel called towards at this time? Are there certain doors that are opening, and others that are closing? Or could you just relinquish your grip on how things ‘should be’ and loosen-up a little more to allow more flow to enter your life?

Being in flow allows life to become less stressful, and more fun, easy and magical. It requires a level openness, humility and letting go.

Are you wanting things to be a certain way or trying to control things? Let go of anything you’re holding onto – be it bad feelings, shoulds, or expectations and allow life to become the beautiful dance it was always meant to be.

Flow is enhanced the more you embrace the truth that you deserve. You deserve all your heart desires, whether you feel that way or not, and the universe is ever on your side. Are you? You are ultimately the only one that can get in your way; your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, choices, and so on.

You are loved totally and unconditionally by the heart of creation. Open to receive that love. Let it show up in the form of positive events, people and successes you attract. Be open to the new and trust in turnings of the tide. Follow your intuition, take bold happy steps to towards your dreams, be spontaneous, and dare to explore outside your comfort zone.

Trust in the flow, it only ever wants the best for you, you know.”

9) Giving

Can you put your love and care or inspiration and gifts into action through giving in some way?

Is there someone in particular you’ve been withholding love or giving from, or you could express more of your love to in some way? Or have you been shying away from life in general and not sharing your gifts, presence or love in some way? Have you been ‘too busy’ and not found the time for those people who matter to you? The greatest gift you have to give people is YOU! Are you giving you? Are you there for people?

There are many ways you can give and share, which I detail shortly. Do so in a way that brings you joy and does not feel like a sacrifice, as that is not what true giving is about.

What’s important here is that this giving is genuine and heartfelt. I’m not talking about martyr hood or obligation here. I’m talking about sharing and expressing your love and care in a way that feels meaningful to you, which is a blessing to others, as well as yourself.

Giving when your heart isn’t in it, or giving-to-get (which isn’t giving at all), or giving out of a feeling of duty or obligation is also not authentic giving, and the person at the ‘receiving end’ won’t feel really like they’ve been given to, as what is received most is the energy and intention behind the giving. That’s why even the smallest act or gift can have the biggest impact if coming from a loving place.

Get in touch with the love and care you have for someone and act from this place.

Let your abundance shine by giving to others, not just in the tangible physical sense, but by giving of who you are and expressing your love, appreciation and gratitude to those around you. You can give in energy, in your thoughts, blessings and well-wishes too, and send love from a distance, silently even.

There are many ways you can give, and it’s certainly not money-bound.

You can give of your time, appreciation, care, well wishes, talent, prayers, nurturing, inspirations, attention, information, touch, wisdom, hope, support, thoughts, blessings, and so on. You may also want to give some of your income away, such as through tithing 10% to a charity each month if you feel financially comfortable to do so.

Give in a way that feels true to you.

10) Forgiveness

Forgiveness is one of the most powerful forces of healing and transformation and a most gracious gift we can give ourselves and another.

Who do you need to forgive? Is it yourself? May I remind you that even if it is someone else, you may wish to forgive yourself for ‘allowing’ something you want to forgive them for into your life at whatever level. Of course, many problems can hide a gift that you may not see at the time. You may look back in time even with a painful experience and view it with new eyes, seeing it as part of the tide of change in your life.

Forgiveness returns you to a place love and liberates you from constricting states; it is the ultimate mind-body-soul detox. Ultimately, you know when you’ve forgiven someone by how you feel. You either feel neutral or positive towards them. Sometimes forgiveness happens in layers, or you may think you’ve forgiven but a new wave of emotion comes up to be processed to allow greater forgiveness.

You don’t have to agree with someone, or a behaviour, to be able to forgive them/it. You can forgive the “why” not the “what” – the pain or dysfunction that lies behind any given behaviour, rather than the behaviour itself.

A lack of self-forgiveness stands in the way of love, success and abundance and can lead to self-sabotage and the trappings of guilt. Everyone makes mistakes – it’s part of being human. Your mistakes do not define you, or certainly shouldn’t, for they are not who you are. Rather than judge or condemn yourself, instead, recognize, acknowledge and forgive yourself, or others. This enables letting go and change.

Set yourself free TODAY!

Forgive yourself and/or another. See the goodness in yourself and/or them. Forgiveness allows you to let go of any pain, anger, or resentment you’ve been holding on to.

Allow yourself to own and acknowledge your own and others inherent innocence, worth and value. Release the burden you’ve been carrying and allow more love into your heart.

The Creator/Universe/Source shines its love on all, like the sun. It does not judge. Ponder on that level of pure unconditional love. It is there for you, it is there for everyone.

Okay, that’s it for now

Truly caring about your success

Your coach/friend – “I AM” in your corner


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