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Ockert J Möller

How to practice the Art of Giving

The first thing that you have to learn when you practice the art of giving is to give freely from your heart space with deep feelings of love for others, and with complete detachment from the outcome.

You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.”  ~ Kahlil Gibran

There is no holding back when you practice the art of giving.  You give freely because you know deep in your heart that there is so much abundance in the Universe that you will always be abundant no matter how much you give away.

This abundance thinking allows the person that practices the art of giving to be completely detached from receiving anything in return.

Paradoxically, this detached attitude keeps the giver in an expanded state of being where his or her energy channels are open to receiving from the Universe, and thus the giver will naturally receive abundance. It is the attitude in which you give that impact what you actually manifest in your life.

“Health is the greatest Gift.  Happiness is the greatest wealth.  Trustworthy is the greatest relative. Enlightenment is the greatest Bliss.”  ~ Buddha

Giving is powerful and empowering.  There is an enormous beauty that happens in the process of giving that few people are consciously aware of.

When you give, you literally expand your energy outwards to include someone else.

For just a brief moment, your energy envelops them like a warm loving hug.  By giving a gift, a kind word, or an action you literally send your energy into the person, and connect with them on many energetic levels.  When this giving energy goes out, you create a positive shift in your energy field.

Every time you give, you create the space to receive something back from the Universe.  As clearly illustrated by the ocean tide, when there is an ebb of energy, a flow must naturally follow.

“For it is in giving that we receive” ~ Francis De Assis

A beautiful thing to remember is that when you give to another, you actually give to yourself.

We are all one and the same, droplets in the same ocean of life. Each person is really a part of you. We are not separate beings.  This is just an illusion that all of us have been living with for many thousands of years.

When you give love to another, you are in essence giving love to yourself and this self just happens to have an apparent “separate” physical form than yours. So when you are hesitant to give to another, remember that you are in essence giving to a part of yourself, and benefiting all of humanity including yourself.

“There is a wonderful mythical law of nature that the three things we crave most in life — happiness, freedom, and peace of mind — are always attained by giving them to someone else. “  ~ Peyton Conway March

Perhaps you only think about giving gifts for the holiday season or special occasions.  Yet, the person that practices the art of giving is one who engages in this precious act all year long.  Imagine how you’d feel by giving a gift to another person every day of your life.  J

ust visualize how rich your life would be if you constantly gave from your heart in a non-attached way full of delight.  By embracing the art of giving you would experience a tremendous heart opening accompanied by an out-pouring of continual blessings from the Universe.

For it is impossible to give without receiving in return.  I challenge you to take on this new way of being as part of your commitments for 2012, and see all of the magic that naturally unfolds in your life.

So how can you become a conscious “Practicing the Art of Giving – Giver” all year long?  First of all, remember that giving has nothing to do with how much material wealth you posses.

The person that practices the art of giving know it  is not about just giving money away.  It is about looking inside and asking yourself, “How can I share my energy with the world in a way which helps all beings prosper and grow?”

The truth is that you have many gifts to offer your fellow beings on this planet that would enrich their lives.  You are a unique expression of the Divine, and thus you have much to contribute to those around you.  I invite you to write down some of the ways that you could use your talents and abilities to help others.

We all have the power, we only need the keys

Talk to you again soon :–)

Be on the lookout for my invite next week to an event that will blow your socks of, excuse the pun :–) It is my way of giving back to the world which I so richly experienced in my own life

PS. Love to hear your feedback on this one

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